January 1, 2014

Stuck on an Airplane

Airplanes are not my favorite place, I am not what you would call a docile person. I am constantly moving, talking, and observing; airplanes are not the best place to do any of these things. On a airplane you are seated in cramped seats with people on either sides of you sleeping or doing other mindless busy work to stop the boredom from creeping in. This leaves you minimal room for the occasional squirm or wiggle not to mention the ever so awkward I have to use the bathroom forcing someone from their slumber or tiny tower to stand (what a drag standing is) and let you past. Now for the talking problem, if your next to one of those chatty old ladies all you want is to stop talking; however, more often than not the person in either side of you will be totally oblivious to the outside world plugged in to their various "i things". 
You could be thinking, why can't you observe on an airplane their are plenty of people (you are also probably wondering why on earth you would be thinking something so peculiar). Well, on an airplane there are chairs and other people blocking your view of any thing and people on an airplane are not doing anything worth paying attention to.  So here I am plugged into my iPhone, blogging on my iPad (another mindless person plugged in to my "i things") At least I am preoccupied but there is no wifi to speak of so I can't exactly post this until I am no longer on stuck on this air plane. 

Love & blazers 

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