August 31, 2013

Movie Review: the City of Bones

      Happy weekend everyone! On Friday night my friends and I went to the City of Bones movie. It was so good! I did not read the books but one of my friends did and another person that I sat next to and talked to did as well. They said the movie stayed pretty close to the book but there were changes that they thought made the story understandable for people who did not read the books. So, I was able to understand what was going on. 
     The story is about a girl named Carrie living in New York with her mother. It is on her birthday and she goes out with her friend where she sees a boy and his friends kill a demon; however, she is the only one who could see them. Those people turn out to be shadow hunters, and when she returns home her house is wrecked and her mother missing. While in her house she is attacked by a demon and then saved by the boy from the club named Jace. With her new friend Jace and his team of shadow hunters she must find her mother and the mortal cup while fighting off demons and other evil people. 
     Overall, I loved the movie and I am defiantly going to read the next two books in the series. I did find the movie really scary though but I guess I am sacred easily. Even though it was scary, I would defiantly recommend seeing it!

                                            Have you seen the movie or read the books?

Love and blazers,

August 30, 2013

New Sperrys!

Happy Friday my darlings! I hope your day is going well! My new sperrys have arrived and I am so excited. It took them long enough! I ordered these from Nordstroms for my main back to school shoe and it took them over a week to come. Any preppy girl needs a good pair of sperrys, they are insanely comfy and look great with anything! I decided to get a new pair because my old ones are getting worn out and a girl can never have too many. So the pair I got are just brown and leather and they didn't even need to be broken in! They were so comfortable and fit like a glove. I did not have time to take a picture of mine so here us the pic from the Nordstrom website. Go check them out!

Love and blazers,

August 29, 2013

No Post Today!

Sorry there isn't a post today everyone! As I mentioned I have my HUGE test today in AP U.S. History, wish me luck! Oh, I would also like to add that I have conquered geometry! Even though, it is an on going struggle I am winning at the moment!

Love and blazers,

August 28, 2013

Getting Stressed?

Hello my darings! I don't know if your getting stressed yet, but I certainly am! Since the start of school I have been swamped with school work and looming tests and my busy schedule isn't helping. Getting back into the grove of school is difficult with waking up early, extra circulars and the never ending homework and being stressed is the last thing you want. 
Yesterday was an especially stressful day, school was unbearably hot with no air conditioning and I got a ton of homework! Than after school I had a doctors appoint, it typically takes anywhere from 40 minutes to an hour to get home because of the traffic coming out of the city so by the time I got home it was already four! Then once I finished at the doctors it was around 4:40 so I had about an hour and forty minutes to do my home work before I had to get ready for a 7:00 soccer practice twenty minutes away. That is no where near enough time for my homework! I was so stressed trying to get it all done and study for a HUGE test I have on tomorrow. 
This extremely stressful day made me realize the importance of calming down at night. So I thought I would share some of my ideas so that hopefully you wont be too stressed! It is important to separate the time you finish your homework from the time you go to sleep. If you finish your homework and then so to sleep right after you will be left thinking about the test you just finished studying for or the essay you finished. This will fill your half asleep mind with stressful thoughts of "What if I didn't study enough" or "What if I get a bad grade" making you loose the precious little time you have to sleep. 
Some of the things that I do before I go to sleep that help me calm down are...

1. Take a shower. I take my showers at night so my hair doesn't get frizzy, but it also calms me down and makes me sleepy!
2. Drink tea! I absolutely love tea! It is one of my favorite things, and it can also be very calming. At night there is nothing that makes me sleepier than a nice cup of chamomile or a sleepy green. Make sure that you are drinking a non-caffinated kind though or that could be bad!
3. A good book! If all else fails a great book that takes you away from the outside world is a great night time distraction. You do not have to read much just a couple of pages can make all the difference. 
4. The right PJs. Personally I like the matching variety, I just think they are darling. I have a winter pair and a summer pair. The right type of PJ can put you in the perfect mood for a nice slumber!

Whats your night time calmer? 

Love and blazers,

August 27, 2013

He's off to Georgetown!

         Hello everyone! Over the weekend my brother left for Georgetown, as indicated in the title! It has been hard not to have it at home but I guess I have to get used to it. He is the oldest in my family and the first one to leave as the youngest of my two brothers I will be the last one off to college. I will miss him so much but I have to approve! Georgetown is such a preppy school! Here are a couple of pictures of me and my bros!

This is me and my oldest brother Colin! Neither of us are all to photogenic, hahahaha we take fun pictures!

 This is all three of us! Colin (oldest), Brendan (the middle child), and Me! Oh I know Brendan is the tallest! No one really knows what happened there but whatever!

Love and blazers,

August 24, 2013

Pins of the Week!

I know i'm obsessed! I don't really care though, I still love pinterest! Ok everyone I know I have been a terrible blogger lately, I am trying to get better I really am! In the mean time here are my pins...

And just remember...
Love and Blazers,

August 22, 2013

Going Back to School

Hello everyone! I Hope these weeks of back to school haven't been too terrible for you. I started school on Tuesday, August 20 so after two days I thought it would be fun to tell you my schedule and what I think of being a sophomore so far! I got the idea for this blog post from a friend of mine named Katelyn who has a blog called Preppy Daily. Go check it out!

Since I go to a catholic high school, religion class is required. It is pretty boring and you do different things each year, last year it was world religions and this year it is the bible. My teacher is new and seems a tad bit strange, but i'll get through it.

 Geometry Honors
Just a normal math class that has so far been confusing!

Integrated Science 2 Honors
This is just a basic science class that covers Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. At my school you take Int. Science one as a freshman and then move on to two. (I know its weird).

English 2
Oh goodness, I have a lot to say about this class! First of all my teacher is absolutely terrifying, he talks in riddles, yells, he makes absolutely no sense! Also, he hates it when people talk and makes us sit in silence for long periods of time, goodness it is so strange!

AP U.S. History
This is the first AP class that you are able to take and it is a lot of work so I have been getting really stressed out lately. I already had to write an essay!

French 2 Honors
I take french as my foreign language and I love it! I was going to switch to Latin before Freshman year but, I went to Paris the summer before starting high school and couldn't resist taking it!

Then I just have gym in second semester, but that is normal. I know that it may look like I am not taking a lot of classes but my school has a very strange schedule with eight rotating days that change. Then each class corresponds with a letter and the letters change everyday, it is really confusing! 

How has your back to school been?
Love and blazers,

August 20, 2013

Did you miss me?

         Of course you did! Oh, I'm just kidding of course! How have you guys been? I have been insanely busy getting ready for back to school and doing all of my summer homework. I am so sorry that I haven't been able to post lately and it will probably be quite sporadic from now on; however, I am trying to get into a schedule of posting. I have allready accomplished something! A post! Also I will probably be changing the layout of my blog (once I find out how) so keep a look out! 
        For the upcomming posts I am planning on, they will most likely invlove back to school, because I have gone back to school! I go to a school with address code and I have special restrictions on what I can and cannot wear to school so in an up coming blog post you will mostly see things that will follow those restrictions. A dress code is not the end of the world style wise, thats what a uniform is for, you can look just as cute abiding by the rules of your school. Just keep in mind that you can always look cute no matter what your school makes you wear!
         Love and blazers,