July 3, 2014

Taking A Step Away

Even though its summer my days are still stressful and busy. Mostly, because there is a ton of commotion around my house, hosting dinner parties, people running in and out and my brothers having friends over. Sometimes I just need some alone time and a place to make time stop and de-pressurize (spell check?) my life. 

My favorite way to "take a step away" is to ride my bike to a near by park and read a book. I am a really big reader and it is a really good way to stop thinking about your life! This summer has been busier than usual because I am taking an extra math class and a Java class at University of Chicago. School yay... My summer has been kind of boaring but busy so it has been important for me to have me time and enjoy my self in the free time I have!

What have you been up to this summer?

Love & Blazers 

July 1, 2014

Jellies Be Jamin'

As you know if you've seen my last two posts, my birthday was last week! I turned sixteen, the big 16, and a couple of my friends bought be these Lily Pulitzer shorts and I am obsessed! 

Love & Blazers