January 30, 2014

Favorites From J.Crew's Spring Collection!

I know I just posted a "Wish List Wednesday" but everything in this post is on my wish list too! Gosh, I really have to get a handle on this shopping problem of mine! Anyway, there is so much more from their new spring clothing that is too die for, these are just a few of my favorites. Also, the french blouse, can I just say i'm in love!

Love & Blazers

January 29, 2014

Wish List Wednesday!

Since I have been sick lately and spring is just around the corner (sort of) I have started searching for the perfect spring additions to my wardrobe! Since I have stopped growing it is easier to make bigger investments into clothing than in previous years so I am excited to start expanding my collection. As a preppy person I love the spring because it is a chance to bring color pack into my life, fall tones are fun but in the winter I just feel so drab half the time after the Christmas red has faded away. 
So in an effort to find the perfect Winter Formal dress my mom and I headed to the mall and we first stopped at Neiman Marcus. Now the reason we were at the mall is totally irrelevant to the situation but I think anyone can agree that it is pretty much the easiest thing to fall in love with everything you see at Neimans! There is a thing called Cusp which has all of the Neiman designers and products at Neimans on their website for a reduced rate (at least that's what I've been told) so for the past few weeks I have been glued to the site! Here are my favorite finds... 






Love & blazers

January 28, 2014

Sick Days

Well I'm sick... In a polar vortex... just slummin' it in my room. I don't know about you guys but when Im sick my day just consists of a jcrew night shirt, chamomile tea, Chapstick, tissues, and Netflix. I can't really muster that much energy because I barley ever get sick so when I do I am beyond exhausted and all I can really is emerse myself in dream worlds like manhattan, Castleburry CN, the Upper East Side, and where ever Holly Golightly lives! If you got all of those references (which most of you did!) My top sick day shows/ movies are...
1. Gossip Girl
2. The Carrie Diaries
3. Breakfast at Tiffanies

{Unless you have a cold}

{You always need a blonde best friend! Shout out to Lauren!}

{the click}

{All I do is sleep, sleep, sleep not matter what}

Love & blazers

January 22, 2014

Finding Treasure in the Midst of 80's Faux Pas

In a mad scurry to find on of my dresses for an upcoming Model UN conferences (its a super fun club) I ran into the closets down in my basement to see if it had accidentally been put into storage. While rummaging through all of the clutter and the fashion don'ts from the 80s I stumbled upon the most beautiful bright yellow peacoat! To any preppy person, or anyone who has ever seen Gossip Girl, a bright peacoat for spring is a must! 
{The coat is brighter in person, there just isn't a light right above my door}

The coat was my Mother's and she had bought it for a family christening a long time ago. Luckly me and my mom are pretty close in height and size and back then she was smaller because me and my brothers weren't here yet! So it fits perfectly and I couldn't be happier. I have allready been able to check on item off my Spring Staples List (post to come) and it was for free!

Love & Blazers

Have you ever found anything adorable clothing item hidden away?

January 21, 2014

Pins of the Week

I had a dry spell with pinterest but recently I have rediscovered its amazingness!

Love & blazers

Oh and P.S. do you guys have any suggestions on cute prints for my room let me know!

January 20, 2014

Movie Night!

On Saturday me and my friends had a movie night! It was super fun and a good bonding thing or whatever. Anyway, whats a movie night with out a great chick flick? The movie of choice clueless, a product of the cinematic 90s chick flick era!

Love & blazers

January 15, 2014

Wish list Wednesday!

I know I haven't done a wish list Wednesday in a while but there are somethings I have had my eyes on for a while. One being a shep shirt from Vineyard Vines (where else?) I was going to get one in November but I decided to get a puffer vest instead and I didn't want to get both. Now I want one again because it is perfect for Spring and as an extra layer for Winter! The one I want (well its practically the only one left but I actually want it so it works) is in the color "holly"with pink and white seersuckers.

Love & blazers

January 13, 2014

Having a Great Shopping Experience

Happy Monday everyone! I think in one of my first few posts I talked about a really bad experience I had dress shopping for Homecoming last year. This post is the exact opposite! On Saturday night me and my Mom went out for some impromptu shopping for winter formal dresses. The night started out with some fun items for my Mom and an adorable pair of earrings for me at Neimans. Followed by a stop at Anthropology were the fun escalated! We ransacked the sale tracks and the rest of the store, then I tried things on for at least and hour. Everything there is so adorable and even though somethings are a little out there like to tutu pencil skirt I tried on but it was a night to remember. I even found my winter formal dress on the first day dress shopping! If that wasn't good enough I go it on sale from Anthropology for 50 bucks! 

{Tips for a Great Shopping Experience}

1. Don't worry about anything else: Sometimes you get preoccupied thinking about other things while shopping! Don't worry about it have fun!

2. Try fun things on: if you see something you think is cute, or adorable, or quirky! Saturday I tried a lot of strange things on just because I thought they were beyond adorable and they made me so happy! 

3. Don't worry about the size: Sometimes we get so preoccupied on being a certain size that when things run small or just don't flatter your figure we get upset and give up! I know from personal experience that it can ruin a great day and how bad it can make you feel! So don't worry about it!

Love & blazers

January 12, 2014

Quote to Live By Sunday

So I thought that this was a good quote to start with for the new "Quotes to live by Sunday". I feel that sundays are just a fun day to sit back, grab coffee with friends, go to church, and finish anything you have to from the week before. So I like planning a low maintenance post for these days like a quote post, or things I have been posting on pinterest & tumblr. Also, since Sunday is the beginning of a new week (if you didn't know that ;)) a new quote is a good way to start of your week and it can become a weakly or monthly mantra. 
So "Do one thing every day that scares you" is a very famous quote originally coined by Eleanor Roosevelt and is now used by life coaches, motivational speakers (if your schools ever made you watch this sort of things) and lulu lemon billboards all across America. Personally, I am the type of person to over think things and this keeps me from doing/saying things I really want to because I am afraid what people will think or say. So this quote will be a fun thing to experience for this week!

Do you have a weakly mantra? Are you inspired by quotes you see?

Love & blazers

January 10, 2014

Blizzard to Rainstorm in less than a Week

Well I don't know what the weather where you are is like, but in Chicago it went from being colder than Antarctica (fact) to having a rainstorm. I would just like to know what is happening with the weather! I was not prepared for the rain! Anyway rain or storm I having been wearing my hunters non stop so here is a cozy casual outfit to wear with your hunters.
Cozy Hunters Outfit

Love & blazers

January 6, 2014

Katie Nehra's Home

On the 4 hour plane ride followed by an hour and a half wait for a gate, I had more than enough time to read basically every fashion and style magazine in the Hudson News store. In Lucky Magazine there was an article on Katie Nehra's fabulous prewar apartment and being in the middle of a room redesign I took a special interest. Her apartment is absolutely to die for from her hot pink dining room to her classy but chic office space. Her style is a really tasteful rebel look with classic furniture but outrageous colors and accessories. Here are some of the featured spaces...

 She has flamingo sconces on the wall!
 I am absolutely in love with the chair. It has a classy dark wood outline with a hot pink and cream damascus print. 

Love & blazers

January 5, 2014

San Francisco Day Three

Alcatraz The Island Where I Fell Down a Hill and Cracked My Phone


So for this day I don't exactly have a direct picture of my outfit but here is the hop part!

puffer vest: (well you should know & don't judge me I am OBSESSED) necklace: jcrew, 
sweater: Top shop


bye bye San Fran

ahh the hill I fell down, on my butt! I really need I work on my balance 

{Cable Car Ride}

It was 3 hours in line to hope on a cable car and cling on for my life! It was terrifying and so much fun at the same time. Not to mention that the cable car driver had an anger management problem and almost ran over a lady in a car plus San Fran has so many hills! Why would someone build a city on like dozens of hills?

{New Years Eve}

Cocktails on New Years! Well I didn't drink one but I did make my Mom order one! 
Isn't it adorable?

Love & Blazers